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Elegant wrap dress

Dress - Semi-fitted - Midi length - Comfy neckline low-cut wrap - No collar - No front closure - Dress with waist seam - 8-panel skirt with box pleats - All darts transferred to waist - Back shoulder and waist dart - 1/8 sleeve

Sewing Pattern

Status complete
Started Jan 16, 2024
Completed Jan 16, 2024
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The primary purpose of these styleboards is to inspire and educate, and it's essential to understand that they do not represent intentional reengineering or replicas of the clothes in the photo. While the styleboards are a valuable reference for your own sewing projects, the garments created using these designs will differ in various aspects such as details, style lines, wearing ease, and more. Additionally, to assess the suitability of a pattern for your needs, it's advisable to obtain a free preview of the sewing pattern. This preview allows you to evaluate the length, width, and style lines of the sewing pattern pieces, enabling you to make an informed decision about whether the sewing pattern aligns with your expectations.