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Unites several objects into a path.

Function parameters

  • list of objects, separated by comma

    You can list the following objects within a path: point, line, arc, circle, curve, another path.

    In case a point is listed, the software will connect it to the end and start point of the neighbouring objects with a straight line. In case other objects are listed, they will be included into the path as per their direction from start to end point. If you wish to change the direction of any object within a path, list it with a minus sign.

    A path also has direction from first point to the last point.

    Object properties

    After a path is created, you can get its properties by using the following syntax:
  • .a1 - angle of tangent line in the starting point
  • .a2 - angle of tangent line in the end point
  • .l - length of this path
  • .p2 - second point
  • .x1 - x coordinate for first point
  • .y1 - y coordinate for first point
  • .x2 - x coordinate for second point
  • .y2 - y coordinate for second point
  • .dx - difference of x coordinate values between the first and the second points
  • .dy - difference of y coordinate values between the first and the second point


    Path comes handy when you have a complex of several objects that you wish to use later in the pattern code. For example, a side seam of a skirt is often a combination of a curve from waist to hip, and a straight line down to hem. If you are drafting a skirt with a yoke, or horizontal pleats, or any other style elements, you might need to get the length of both elements, or cut them at a certain angle from some point on a center seam, or find the place where the side seam intercrosses with another curve. As the lengths of the elements of the side seam are going to vary from size to size and from height to height, the point of intersection may be on the waist/hip curve or on the hip/hem line. Rather than adding extra conditions to the code, it is easier to operate the side seam as one object.

    Let us look at two examples of paths, connecting the same points at different directions.
    p1=point(10, 10);
    p2 = point(45, 60);
    c1=curve(p1,p2,10,30) // curve C1 goes from P1 to P2
    l1=line(p4,p5) // line L1 goes from P4 to P5

    Both c1 curve and l1 curve have directions. This will affect how they are connected into a path.

  • 上一篇文章

    circle(point,radius,angle, angle)




    shape (point1,point2,angle1,angle2,length)