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Floral shirt

À propos de ce projet
Nom Floral shirt
Statut terminé
Début 7 juil. 2014
Terminé 22 juil. 2014
Progression 100 %
Confidentialité public
Notes This is a very useful (free!!) shirt pattern. It is not as fitted as it appears in the illustration on Lekala's site, but it is nevertheless a nice basic pattern. I especially liked how the collar was a proper one, and went together so nicely. I thought the sleeves were a wee bit short on me, which led me to change my adjustments to 'normal' arm length, from 'short'. I do indeed have short arms - but they are a perfectly normal length *for my height*, which is considerably below average, and Lekala took that into account already. The buttons were ideally placed on the button band - no gaping, or gaps in awkward places.
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