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Boy's Coat

О проекте
Название Boy's Coat
Статус в процессе
Дата начала 24 авг. 2015 г.
Дата окончания
Статус 30 %
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Заметки My little lord Maxime Tavernier needs a new set of good clothing for attending court. Choose Inspiration - Inspired by a painting of King Edward of England Pattern in the book "The Tudor Child" Choose fabrics -Faux Fox -Blue wood grained fabric Color sketch- Traced from book, colored by Max Coat patterned and cut, handsewing of trim begun, constructin sewing unfinished Progress updated on trello: https://trello.com/c/LGkZayhG - See more at: http://www.sewist.com/projects/view?id=1870#sthash.CdCoVUKu.dpuf - See more at: http://www.sewist.com/projects/view?id=1871#sthash.t4kg1EtK.dpuf
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