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African crosses

О проекте
Название African crosses
Статус закончен
Получатель Whoever would like it (family and friends)
Размер Whatever size it becomes
Дата начала 11 нояб. 2015 г.
Дата окончания 09 окт. 2016 г.
Статус 100 %
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Заметки The fabrics used are a mixture of my own dyed and printed fabrics and some dyed fabrics by Tracy Fox, a friend. The name comes from the applique shapes which are to be added to the sashing. These derive from some sketches made at a workshop a few years back with Magie Relph. She had brought some African artifacts along with her for us to sketch. Some of these were really beautiful Tuareg crosses. I shall be using some of the embellishments as the design basis for my quilting. 14th November - need to add some more printed and dyed fabrics before I can start stitching this together, Having problems adding photos. 16th November - reset my camera to take smaller images. Success! The photos shows the pieces merely placed before sewing. I have more to add before any stitching can take place. 18th November - added extra photos to show variations. I have added the extra motif - a pink cross to the first idea. I then tried using the pieces, putting them on point. The last photo is a record of the fabric pieces being used. The blue fabric was an alternative background which I quickly discarded - too much of a clash with some of the colours I was using. 14th December - now that there are fewer demands on my time, I have been busily sewing the squares together for the top. I've also started bondawebbing the little motifs into place too. Looking forward to getting the rest of the top finished off so I can plan the backing. Not sure whether to use cotton quilting weight fabric or a fleece blanket.

17th September - finally completed stitching around all the bondawebbed pieces to secure them. The quilt top now has the wadding and backing pinned in place ready to start quilting.

4th October - completed all the main quilting. The head motif comes from a carved wooden head which my elder daughter brought back from Tanzania. I've merely repeated and mirrored the image based on a black and white photograph. Just have the final quilting to finish around the sashing. Then binding. I shall be so glad to get this one out of the way.
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