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Name Swoon
Status abgeschlossen
Gestartet 24.05.2013
Ausgeführt 23.12.2014
Fortschritte 100 %
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Notizen 5/24/13: Tried to reverse-engineer the pattern based on pictures and measurements. It went badly. I was totally right about how it goes together, but totally wrong on my measurements - everything was an inch too big, so I ran out of fabric and couldn't find more to at least complete the block. :( So I bought the actual pattern and will try again. Instead of a little 2-block wall hanging, though, I'm going to go ahead and make the whole thing. I have a wall in the house that is begging for a nice, big, cheerful quilt to decorate it and I think this will be the one to do it.Colored fabrics selected and washed, tomorrow, I start cutting. White fabrics in progress. I have a large length of a single white-on-white that I could use, but would I rather use a bunch of different ones? Only have 6 now that I ruined 2. Hm. Decisions. 5/29/13: parts for 5 of 9 blocks cut, 3/4 of the white parts cut from fat quarters and yardage I already had on hand, but I think I'm going to have to wait for some off eBay before I can finish that off. I don't like her method for doing the flying geese. It ends up wasting a lot of fabric. If I'd known that was where we were headed, I would have modified the pattern. Oh, well. I'll have lots of little HSTs in my scrap bin for later.6/2/13: All cut! My mother-in-law is visiting, so I'm not sewing much these days. As soon as she leaves, I hope to bust out the sewing machine and go to town. 10/20/13: Just finished block #7 and made all the HSTs for #8. There's no hurry at this point because there's half a dozen things in the quilting queue ahead of it, but Lizzie is in the shop. Sad. The quilt is pretty girly. It's bright and cheerful, alright, but it's more girly than I expected. Maybe I'll swap things around to make some more of the not-so-girly ones and pull out the pinks so I end up with two of them. 11/20/13: With Lizzie on the fritz, I had to do something, so I finished my Swoon top! Glee! Now to find some backing and binding fabrics. I have no idea how I'm going to quilt this thing since it's too big for my frame, but I'll figure something out.08/04/14: Quilting underway! Had to get the 10' poles for Lizzie and that took ages. Not sure why? Anyway. In progress. Completely intimidated. No idea where I'm headed. I've started out by outlining all the major elements of each star. Half-way through that step. Once all that's done, I'll move back up to the top and start doing some FMQ. Itching to try out the circular templates my brother made for me and I'd love to experiment with some of the things I've picked up browsing through the Green Fairy's quilts. Could be awesome, could be terrible. I don't know what's going to happen! 12/15/14: Attached the binding last night, now I just need to stitch it closed. I might actually have this thing finished by Christmas!!
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