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Holiday Wren by Colette Patterns

姓名 Holiday Wren by Colette Patterns
状态 已完成
收件人 Me!
尺寸 10
已开始 2015-12-16
已完成 2015-12-16
进度 100 %
隐私 公开
备注 Pattern: Wren by Colette Fabric: Glitter Jersey, Black/Red SKU 9648-03 Year: contemporary, and classic Notions: thread and clear elastic Time to complete: Here and there and in between other sewing projects First worn: December 18 for photo-shoot Wear again? I plan to wear it through the holiday season. It’s so comfortable and swishy Where to shop?: Fabric and pattern from White Tree Fabrics This was an especially fun project for me. As a member of the White Tree Blogging Team, I was gifted this glittery jersey in exchange for sewing up something with it. I chose to make the Wren dress by Colette Patterns. I had previously made up a muslin, to check the fit, so I put together my fancy new Wren with confidence. I love the fit and the drape of the glitter jersey. It does have stretch in both directions so the fit is spectacular. It feels fantastic to wear, and looks classic and expensive.