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Overlocker cover

About this project
Name Overlocker cover
Status finished
Recipient My Huskylock 910
Started Dec 13, 2016
Completed Dec 13, 2016
Progress 100 %
Privacy public
Notes This project was an essential replacement since the original thin plastic cover for my overlocker had torn and was showing signs that it would very soon fall apart. It really wasn't able to cover my machine adequately.
Fabric is the remains of some fabric bought many years ago for a floor cushion used by my children (now grown up!). Just sufficient to complete this project with some left over for a pincushion or something useful.
Users Comments
  • /user/Mandy

    Mandy on Dec 20, 2016

    20th December - my overlocker is currently resting sitting under it's new cover. It has worked hard for me over the past week.
