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Rosie's quilt

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Naam Rosie's quilt
Status afgerond
Ontvanger Rosemary
Gestart 4 apr. 2010
Afgerond 9 aug. 2010
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Notities 25th May: I have just completed the first round of quilting on all twenty squares. I must now get on with quilting the blue "sashing strips" within each block.The fleece seems to be easier to work with now that I have used wadding between the cotton layer and the fleece itself. (Thankyou, dear Jude for suggesting this!)The photos show the quilting on one of the squares, an overview of all the squares laid out, an overview of the backing - a pattern made up of twenty squares of fleece.27th May. Work started on quilting the blue sashing on each square. I've decided to use leaves in a continuous link moving outwards from the centre of each square. Then add a small flower right in the centre.1st June. This has come to a sudden halt for a couple of days. I ran out of thread! Never mind, I shall get on with some other lurking projects until I can get to the shop and buy the thread I need. Would you believe I couldn't order it over the phone since it isn't on the shop's website! I know when I walk in I shall find the very same thread on the rack.... Irritating!!!4th June. Back in business! Bought the thread yesterday, taking a shopping list of items I needed at the same time. Got the last of the sashing finished this morning. Have just started cutting the squares to the correct size.8th June. I have started sewing the squares together ready for quilting the sashing. The quilting will follow the same pattern as before.26th June. Got a lot of work done on this quilt today. I went along to the quilt group's workshop day. I didn't go along to take part in the workshop, but to use the facilities of the hall which gave me a much bigger space to lay out the quilt pieces and sew without distractions. lots of friendly chatter along the way.The quilt is now in five strips, since I have now added the sashing to all of the main sections. These now need to be handsewn in place so that I can quilt the vertical strips of sashing. After this I can concentrate on getting on with the horizontal joining strips of sashing.Why didn't I work on the Hearts and Flowers Hug since it needs to be finished much more quickly? Well, the recipient was there with us for the workshop....................26th July: Well, I have started back working to get this quilt finished. Steadily working on the handstitching of the sashing for the moment. Once done I can get on with the quilting of the same pieces.30th July: All the vertical sashing has now been handsewn into place. I have started working on quilting it all. Two strips have been completed, so three more to go. Then I can start work on getting the strips joined and the horizontal sashing in place.2nd August: The first two strips are sewn together and the sashing has been quilted. The third strip has been attached and the sashing fabric is being pinned in place. (I'm giving my poor fingers a rest from the pins....) The remaining two strips have also been sewn together. I shall be adding the sashing fabric a little later. I shall have to find my thimble before proceeding with the handstitching later on.3rd August: Now just the last piece of horizontal sashing to finish. I need to stitch the sashing fabric in place and handstitch it down to night.6th August: Completed the quilt this morning. All the binding has now been attached. Just the bag to make. Photos will be posted once the weather improves here and I can get some decent photos taken.9th August: Finally added the photos. Just the bag to make now.31st August: Rosie came up for the weekend and took the quilt back home with her. She was thrilled with it, and her housemates seem to have liked it too.

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