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Blue eyes - mini log cabins

Informazioni sul progetto
Nome Blue eyes - mini log cabins
Stato in letargo
Destinatario whoever wants it
Taglia 31 x 31" without the border
Iniziato 07/ott/2010
Progresso 0 %
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Annotazioni I must be mad! I went to quilt group yesterday morning (7th October) forgetting to take the fabric I needed to get on with my Autumnal Quilt. So what did I do? Start another one.......... In my defence, it must be said that I did have a bag full of stash fabrics with me, they just happened to be the wrong fabrics for the project I should have been working on....An explanation of the photo. The central square is an inch in each direction, the pieces being added will each be half an inch wide when I have finished sewing them. Someone asked me yesterday how big each finished square will be. I couldn't tell her because I didn't know. I still don't, because I just have not got to that point yet. I love making things up as I go along.14th October: Yesterday, I managed to get quite a lot done. There are seventeen squares in all. Each one is approx 5 inches across. It now hangs on my design board, ready for ideas to formulate for the next stage.30th January: I have recently started work on this one again. So far I have completed sewing all the squares together, and started adding the first border. The whole quilt will be 19 inches across once I have completed adding the last two borders. I have plans to add a wider border of one of the orange fabrics and then will finish this off as a small quilt for my cats, or as a decorative piece.3rd February: The top is now completed, I just need to piece together the fleece fabric offcuts I am using for the backing. Photos show the completed top in bright sunshine - this shows the accurate colours. There is also a photo of the fleece pieces I am using for the backing. These are pinned onto stitch and tear which is acting as a stabiliser.9th February: I decided to abandon the idea of using a pieced fleece background. I just couldn't get it work and preferred the idea of having a solid fleece backing. I just haven't got a piece big enough at the moment. So I have used the rest of the fabric from the quilt top and added some other pieces which matched and made a pieced backing featuring the extra block I made at the beginning. I feel much happier having a reversible quilt. The top is now pinned to the wadding and the backing and is awaiting some spare time when I shall quilt this. Spare time? What is that, please?tags:
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