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Traveling pages

О проекте
Название Traveling pages
Статус закончен
Получатель Me
Размер Each page is 7" tall and 6"across
Дата начала 01 янв. 2010 г.
Дата окончания 23 янв. 2011 г.
Статус 100 %
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Заметки You will find the details about the project here:http://thestoryofthetravelingpages.blogspot.com/The photos of my own completed pages are here:http://www.flickr.com/photos/mthings/sets/72157625612520350/Please note that the November page has not been included since it has not yet arrived in Montana. The December page is underway, with the design for the January page being finalised. (21st December.)Update (19th January): The November page has now been added. The December page is currently on its way to a new owner and will be added later. The January page has been started and will be completed soon.Final update (23rd January) The January page will be sent off in the morning. This is my last page for this challenge.My book is now completed. This is the collection of all the pages I have received. The pages I have received can be seen here: The completed book with my covers can be found here:http://thestoryofthetravelingpages.blogspot.com/2011/06/sea-book-is-complete.html

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