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Lining for knitted jacket - Mariah

Name Lining for knitted jacket - Mariah
Status abgeschlossen
Empfänger Me
Größe Medium (size 40)
Gestartet 11.01.2011
Ausgeführt 17.03.2011
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen 6th January: The knitting of this jacket was completed yesterday. The design is "Mariah", by Jodi Green. The design can be found on Knitty. I have adapted the neckline to suit my own needs. The lining is not part of the original design, but I felt it needs a lining to stop the wind whistling through. Today I plan to get the pattern for the lining sorted out before I start sewing the jacket together.7th January: The jacket is now assembled and waiting for the zip and lining to be added. I have decided to lightly quilt the lining fabric before assembling the lining. It does get quite windy round here at times and the lining should ensure that this is a cosy jacket for chilly days.28th February: Shamefully, it has taken me until now to get around to cutting out the fabrics for the lining and get started with the quilting. I am using the blue fabric over a wadding from my stash. This then has a loosely woven cotton cheesecloth as a backing to stop my machine chewing up the wadding. It is stitching up really nicely too.1st March At the time of writing I have got almost halfway through the final piece I need to quilt. As you can see from the photo showing my machine, I am using a grid pattern to keep the wadding fairly thick and cosy. It took most of yesterday to get to this point.Mid-afternoon (3.15pm) - The lining is now pinned into place inside the jacket. Now I just need to get another zip. Sadly, the lovely chunky one I have bought is just too long -  two inches too long. Not sure how I managed that........... I shall have to wait until I can get another one. I won't be able to get one until next Tuesday, but I could order one online............. Decisions, decisions.9th March: Got a new zip yesterday. This has now been pinned in place, and awaits being sewn. I shall then sew the rest of the lining in place too. Not sure whether it might not be an idea to wash the lining before sewing it in place - it still feels slightly stiff. Am I being too fussy here?15th March: Got the lining washed yesterday. It is currently drying and feels so much softer than it did. Glad I decided to wash it.16th March: The lining is now dry and smells gorgeous. Hopefully I shall be able to get around to pinning this ready to sew later today.17th March: Started sewing in the lining last night. Got as far as completing the sewing in of the zip and getting half way round the hood/front opening. Completed the sewing this afternoon. The jacket is now ready to wear. Just in time for Spring, once we get it.tags:

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