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Aberdeen Inspiration

Name Aberdeen Inspiration
Status abgeschlossen
Empfänger Me
Größe custom
Gestartet 09.11.2019
Ausgeführt 12.11.2022
Fortschritte 100 %
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Notizen Sleeveless Dress - Sewing Pattern #4746 from Lekala 

I started this project a few years ago shortly before my daughter's engagement. After that I was focused like a laser beam on my daughter's wedding gown (I have no regrets). 
Fast forward...pandemic...career instantly on hold...cross country move...Phd...research took me to Scotland my interest in completing the project was renewed. I had purchased the 100% wool flannel on sale with no particular plan. I also purchased some light weight wool suiting with no plan.

The wool suiting was very light weight, and I used it for the bodice lining. I used some other lining that I had on hand for the skirt. I should have ordered more of the suiting to be honest. 

I really had to be creative to get have enough of the main tartan fabric to match it well. You always have to concede something when it comes to tailored tartans. 

I found the buttons in Fancy Gap Virginia at that huge fabric store. They have tons of vintage buttons at an excellent price!

The strap was something I ordered online. I would have preferred a matte leather of higher quality. I suspect that the strap is not really leather although it was marketed as such.

I have been in the habit of hand sewing lately. I am not sure that I am going to continue that trend indefinitely, but hand sewing gives me better control. It also doesn't make as much noise and I can be in the same room as my husband when I hand sew. 

In any case, I am very happy with the fit.  I did not use seam allowances, but marked the sewing lines. this allowed me to be more precise in matching. 

In the next iteration of this pattern I would make the button placket longer. It is fine when standing but I have to be careful sitting (for my taste anyways). 

In any case, the tartan reminds me of my beautiful adventure in Scotland and the gray color reminds me of the grand stone architecture. 
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