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Name RedWrap
Status abgeschlossen
Empfänger Me
Größe custom
Gestartet 04.06.2022
Ausgeführt 14.07.2022
Fortschritte 100 %
Datenschutzpolitik öffentlich
Notizen Linen is my most recent favorite fiber to sew with. (I have been ordering from fabricwholesaledirect.com and found that their linen is both very nice and affordable).

I made this dress for my uncle's wedding this last July.
I just have some snapshots from the wedding. I may someday take more pictures of the final product, but I need to make some fit adjustments for the next iteration (if there is one).This is entirely my fault because I had input the wrong (too big) waist measurement when I updated my measurement profile.

I also need to adjust the measurement from shoulder to bustline, but Lekala doesn't have the granularity for the precision that I need in that area. It affects some patterns more than others. If others have experience using Lekala's adjustment for bust height I am interested to know. My bust-to-waist fit is usually fine. It is only the bust to shoulder that is long for me. The arm scythe varies in fit in Lekala patterns from me. In this case, I had to take in quite a lot at the shoulder seam and the arm scythe after basting together the pieces to check fit. Sometimes the arm scythe is too tight.

I don't typically make a muslin with Lekala patterns, and I was a little time-pressed to have this dress done by the wedding so I didn't recheck the fit a second time until it was done. Still, I am reasonably satisfied with the final result though I may tweak it a bit more.
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