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3D patterndrafting with Valentina CAD 4 posts, 2 writers, 17 readers, started 49 months ago

posted 49 months ago (Monday, June 1) by theqeffectz
Recently,  i started trying my hands on 3D Origami projects using the free software Valentina Cad which by the way is a 2D drafting software 

Please check out my youtube channel @ to see various projects

posted 49 months ago (Monday, June 1) by Sewist
Hello and thanks for sharing the pics, they do look great!

I was wondering if we should maybe add this sort of sleeves to the online pattern designer, but they seem a bit overkill for everyday use. Have you tried incorporating them into some actual clothes? How do they feel?
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posted 49 months ago (Tuesday, June 9) by theqeffectz
They definitely have sophisticated feel and certainly not an everyday look but currently in my countries,  these are designs that get you noticed and taken seriously. Used only for weddings and parties.  Here are designs in actual clothing

posted 48 months ago (Monday, June 15) by Sewist
I shall add the upper sleeve to the collection, and will probably skip the spiral one, as it requires quite a high level of sewings skills. Thanks for the pics, they do look great! I noticed that in your example with Valentina Cad you divided lengths by half, for the parametric construction I will go with angles, to make sure it looks the right way for all the sizes. With lengths, things may turn out unpredictable for very large and very small sizes.