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Combined patterns - one listing or two listings? 4 posts, 2 writers, 44 readers, started 105 months ago

posted 105 months ago (Monday, November 2) by Sewist
Hi everyone,

I can see new entries that are one listing, but for example "Dress and Cape".

Is it okay like this, or should we make them different listings for Dress and for Cape?

On the one hand, you can still search for them in categories even if they are combined, and then the price of the pattern would be misleading if two patterns are listed with the same price - looks like it's twice as much.

On the other hand, maybe you'd find it more convenient to have them as separate listings?
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posted 105 months ago (Tuesday, November 3) by Sewist
Or maybe a kit of several patterns?

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posted 98 months ago (Tuesday, May 31), edited 98 months ago by Samantha1983
I would say that depends on how these patterns are sold. If they are sold together I would put them into one entry in the database. I have for example a pattern from Burda Style that includes the instructions for two different dresses plus a jacket (Burda Nr. 6687 - I entered it as one as they belong together and can be purchased only together.

And accordingly, I would suggest different entries if I have to buy the patterns separately.
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posted 98 months ago (Tuesday, May 31) by Sewist
It sounds like one entry in different categories then, I believe.... I think we can keep them as one for now, especially as we are planning to finish the stores where this entry will be offered for sale or for swap, and dividing one kit into several patterns would then be a pain.