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identify this machine 4 投稿, 4 作家, 27 読者, 開始しました 57ヶ月前

投稿された57ヶ月前(Sunday, October 6) Issa

Would anyone know what model this is...my daughter has decided to take up sewing now that she is 1500 miles away...yesterday I managed to get her through threading it...but I am not sure our relationship can take much more than that...it would help if I knew a bit about her machine...and if we could get past calling things things!

投稿された40ヶ月前(Thursday, February 25) jessicajoe348
No dear I dont have any idea about this machine, but yeah you can get info about this machine from company's official site.

投稿された28ヶ月前(Wednesday, March 2) AndiCrew
It was most likely

Memory Craft 300E by Janome

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

投稿5ヶ月前(Thursday, January 4)、編集4ヶ月前 kerchiefregal

投稿4ヶ月前(Monday, February 19)、編集3ヶ月前 Rigand

投稿3ヶ月前(Thursday, February 29)、編集3ヶ月前 herringburdensome_gmail

投稿された2ヶ月前(Saturday, March 23) seamstresslaf
Janome New Home 105 or 106