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Our blogs 13 сообщений, 7 авторов, 74 читателей, тема начата 102 месяцев назад

отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Thursday, February 25), отредактировано 102 месяцев назад от Lillifix
Are there a lot of bloggers here? I would love to check them out. Mine is http://lillifix.blogspot.no. It is in Norwegian though, but it has a lot of pictures if anyone would like to see. 

отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Thursday, February 25) от Mandy
Hello. I have a Blog too. However mine tends to be about the various textile related things I get up to and is not purely about sewing and dressmaking:


Your own Blog is really interesting and, although I cannot read the words without translating, the photos are gorgeous and display your work superbly.

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отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Friday, February 26) от Lillifix
Wow thank you!

I checked out your blog too! :D You really seem to know what you are doing! It looks very difficult and impressive to me. I do not know much about quilting but it is very nice to see your work :) 

отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Sunday, February 28) от Nightlady
Hi :) My Blog is in German, but pictures are without language :D

It is about knitting, sewing, sometimes chrochet :D
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отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Sunday, February 28) от Lillifix
Great blog!:) I understand a little german as I learned it in school,  but of course as you say, pictures speak for themselves. I sew quite a lot for children as well. It is so nice to see that you use a lot of colors. :) Thank you for sharing, I liked it a lot :) 
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отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Monday, February 29) от Nightlady
I am sewing for my girl (called Khaosprinzessin, Princess of chaos :D) in 74, the bigger sizes (86, 92, 104 etc) are for two girls from friends, sisters, and the smaller pieces are for new babies around me :) Thank you!

отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Monday, February 29) от sbcreations
Bonjour à toutes !
Je suis française et voici les patrons que j'ai cousus grâce à Lekala !
I am a french sewer et here you have some Lekala patterns I have sewn :

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отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Monday, February 29) от Lekala
Bonjour et bienvenue a Sewist! :) 
Je ne parle pas francais assez bien, je l'etudie seulement pour quelques mois, mais je suis vraiment enchantee de voir le sewists francais ici! Comment on dit "sewist" en francais, en tous cas? :)

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отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Tuesday, March 1) от Lillifix
Wow! You are really talented! And it was very cool to see what you have sewn from Lekala patterns! Thank you for sharing :)

отправлено 102 месяцев назад (Wednesday, March 2) от Mandy
Such wonderful blogs! I really enjoyed seeing all the wonderful things you have all made.

отправлено 100 месяцев назад (Thursday, April 21) от zibergirl
Hi Everyone!
 I blog at zibergirl.com and I love visitors. Thanks for sharing your blogs as well.

отправлено 100 месяцев назад (Thursday, April 21) от Mandy
Thanks for sharing your Blog. I found it really interesting. I must go back and leave a comment for you.

отправлено 24 месяцев назад (Friday, August 5), отредактировано 19 месяцев назад от johnsonplaid
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отправлено 17 месяцев назад (Wednesday, March 15) от LauraJoEr
Hi there! 
You all have some great blogs, I get so inspired from all your projects!

I just started my blog https://www.laurashandmadewardrobe.com/ . I'm sharing projects, pattern reviews and tutorials :)

I started my blog to give back to the amazing sewing community I've learnt so much from. I love reading other sewing blogs and wanted to join the community.

отправлено 9 месяцев назад (Thursday, October 26), отредактировано 9 месяцев назад от alihanima912_gmail
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отправлено 6 месяцев назад (Wednesday, January 24), отредактировано 6 месяцев назад от emmausa
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