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Introduce yourself 42 post, 28 scrittori, 174 lettori, iIniziato 106 mesi fa

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Sunday, November 1) da cosmikation
Hello! I am Kathleen from Houston, Texas. I have been making all my own clothes for the past ten years. I have used the same sewing machine since I bought it brand new in 1982: a Kenmore 10-stitch. It is a workhorse! The only part I have ever had to replace on it is the light bulb. That's it! I have made several Lekala patterns and have others lined up to go, but maybe I sit on the Internet too much looking at more patterns. I LOVE to sew and am excited about this new forum for sewists.

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Tuesday, November 3) da zibergirl
Hello everyone! I'm Barbara from Northern California. I have made all my own clothes for several years and I don't miss shopping at all. I love trying out new patterns, working on fit issues and sewing for others. I also have a sewing blog where I post all of my endeavors large and small. I belong to several internet sewing collectives: The Monthly Stitch, The Ready to Wear Fasters, White Tree Fabric Blog Team, and now I'm an active member of Sewist! I'm looking forward to all that it has to offer. So far I think it's off to a very good start! You're welcome to stop by and visit my blog at

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Tuesday, November 3) da Nightlady
Hi :) I'm Kathleen (too :D) from Germany. I started sewing as kid, and now I love to sew for my baby girl and the kids of friends. I made few thing for me, too, but I am still studend and can't afford so much fabrics... 
At the moment I have a deal with a friend - she buyes fabric, I made things for her kids and can get the (not sooo little) leftovers for sewing things for my baby :)

I have a blog, too, ( where I show my sewed and knitted projects :)
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pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Friday, November 6), modificato 106 mesi fa da diamondheart90
Post eliminato

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Friday, November 6) da diamondheart90
Hello! I am Ashley and I am from Pennsylvania, USA! I mostly hand sew since I currently do not have a sewing machine! I am in the process of trying to figure out which one I want! I would love to make my own clothing! I love the sense of accomplishment that comes after finishing a project!

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Saturday, November 7) da klbobbitt
Hi, I am another Kathleen, from Connecticut.  I learned to sew from my grandmother before I could even reach the treadle. Started out sewing little bibs for the neighbor's baby.  In high school I began sewing my own clothes, and then I sewed for my little girls (even their prom gowns).  Now, I am back to sewing for myself again, as well as for our home.  I am also back to making quilts, but I confess, I much prefer piecing tops than doing the quilting. 
I enjoy teaching others how to sew, and have a web-site ( where I do just that.  
I am looking forward to seeing what everyone is working on, and watching the Sewist develop and grow!

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Thursday, November 12) da Manuela_in_Hong_Kong
Hi, I'm Manuela, originally from Germany (Berlin), but I've been living in Asia since 1990, settled down in Hong Kong in 2000. I started sewing when I was 12, trained as a tailor, did the journey, became Master of the trade and trained tailors. I then worked in the fashion industry for 20+ years, this is what brought me to Asia. I left the industry in 2011, studied Chinese and became a teacher. I teach English, German, Chinese and sewing classes.

pubblicato 105 mesi fa (Friday, December 4) da sfshaza
Hi, I'm Shams! I live in San Francisco and have been sewing my entire life, pretty much. I blog at Communing with Fabric. I work as a tech writer and have two 20-something daughters that I rarely sew for, because that would be an exercise in frustration. I would love to see this forum take off! Thanks to Lekala for creating it.
Questo post ha risposte: ( #13 )

pubblicato 105 mesi fa (Saturday, December 5) da mrsmole
Hello Fellow Sewers, I go by my anonymous name of mrsmole as I have a blog where I post photos and tales from my sewing studio of brides and other clients who wander in the front door. I have also been sewing since I was a small child and sewing for clients for over 45 years. The last 10 years have been sewing mainly for brides. My background includes a degree in Fashion Design and living in many countries where I learned to adapt to many different styles of altering and pattern making and just have fun. Thank you for admitting me to this forum, there is no end to learning in the art of sewing!

pubblicato 105 mesi fa (Sunday, December 6) da vivienz
Hello, I'm Vivien and I live on the south coast of the UK.  I've been sewing for a few decades, but had a long break during my 30s and early 40s.  I sew clothes mostly for myself, but make occasional special presents for friends and family.  Not too often, though, I wouldn't want them to get the wrong idea.  

There's so much potential for this forum, so I hope it's realised in due course.  I'll be adding my bit!

pubblicato 105 mesi fa (Tuesday, December 15) da Lorraineb5
Hello, I'm Lorraine in Ottawa Canada.  Grandmother of 7, newbie  Sewist who failed aprons oh those many years ago in high school.  Took a basic course at my local craft store, bought a basic machine and am now addicted......

pubblicato 105 mesi fa (Tuesday, December 15) da Mandy
Hello, my name is Mandy. I am writing from the County of Cheshire in the UK. I have been sewing and enjoying a variety of textile crafts for many years. I make quilts, small sewn items for friends and do some dressmaking. I mostly make clothes for myself, but occasionally help out with costumes for the local Drama Group.

Questo post è una risposta a #8
pubblicato 104 mesi fa (Sunday, January 3) da zibergirl
Hi Shams, looks like we might be neighbors and have a lot in common. I have 5 daughters (23-33) and I agree with the frustration part. It's time consuming to make something for someone who isn't there for the fittings. I'll alter and mend for them, but making something for them is a hit or miss. I've made a lot of items for myself and blog at I think I'll do more quilting this year than garment sewing, however I just started a coat! I can't stop, can you? I'm going to check out your blog and see what you've been up to.  
Happy New Year! Barbara 

pubblicato 103 mesi fa (Saturday, January 23) da MariaLondon

My name is Maria. I've just moved to London. So I'm opened to any advice about life here, especially where to find beautiful italian fabrics for reasonable price.  I'm 29 and I have a 2,5 yo son.
I love sewing, and since my little one is going to daycare now, I'll have more time for my hobby:) 
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Questo post è una risposta a #14
pubblicato 103 mesi fa (Thursday, February 4) da Sewist
(Oh, i just can't word properly how much I am looking forward to the day when my youngest one goes to daycare)))

Welcome to Sewist! :)

pubblicato 103 mesi fa (Thursday, February 4) da Lillifix
Hello! I am a 26 year old Norwegian girl and sewing is my great passion. I started out just a year and a half ago when I became a mother. I am self taught but I have gotten a lot of help from various blogs, youtube and facebook groups. I have already bought three sewing machines. A regular one, a serger and a coverstitch and I love them all! I sew almost all of my daughter's clothes, and have started to make quite a lot for myself as well. I love colors and details. I very often use lace, buttons and ribbons. Instagram: Lillifix1 

pubblicato 101 mesi fa (Tuesday, March 22) da HappyBabyBat
Hello! I'm Cassandra from St. Louis USA! I just got started sewing and I own a brand new Babylock Rachel. I would love to sew my own clothes and for my friends.

pubblicato 98 mesi fa (Thursday, June 30), modificato 98 mesi fa da Erzsabet
Hey guys! I'm Erzsabet. I'm originally from BC, Canada, living in DC for the moment, and moving back to BC in a few months. I've been in the US for a few years, but I'm giving up on it now lol. I've been sewing off and on for a few years now. I am an aspiring costume designer with a focus on historical (but not necessarily historically accurate) and fantasy gowns. I love big masquerade style gowns. I also do several different types of crafting, like beading, learning embroidery (so tedious!), used to do cardweaving, and now I'm big into tatting. I make and sell tatted jewelry at times.

pubblicato 97 mesi fa (Friday, July 29) da LauraP
Hi, I'm Laura from Barcelona, Spain, living in Paris. I'm starting to consider sewing seriously. 
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Questo post è una risposta a #19
pubblicato 97 mesi fa (Monday, August 8) da Mandy
What sort of things would you like to make?

pubblicato 94 mesi fa (Sunday, November 6) da EneT

I'm an Estonian who moved to Toronto, Canada in 1991. I used to sew all my clothes myself until our children were born. I did sew for them but for the past ten years I've taken my sewing machine out only now and then. This fall my youngest asked me if I could help her to recreate a Joker's costume. She promised to help. She did (about 30%) and is now ready to sew something for herself. This bigger project brought back my desire to start sewing more. Happy to have found this community.

pubblicato 94 mesi fa (Wednesday, November 9) da Mandy
Welcome! Such a good costume. I hope that your youngest really enjoyed helping to make this. It certainly looks as if a lot of fun was had in wearing it!
The younger of my two daughters started her own sewing with a costume. Funnily enough another Bat Man character. I can't now recall which one this was. She now looks after my second sewing machine and during the summer made upholstered cushions for a wheeled bench which she renovated.

pubblicato 93 mesi fa (Friday, December 16) da sewingbear
Hi Everyone!
My name is Darlene, and I just discovered this site. Very excited to see it, and hope it does as well as!

I am just coming back into sewing after quite a hiatus. I used to make many of my own clothes when I was a teenager, and more recently I have made some Star Trek items for Comic Cons. 

However, my new project is attempting a Chanel-inspired jacket and skirt, so will hopefully find some information and support regarding techniques. 

Happy sewing!

pubblicato 89 mesi fa (Tuesday, March 21), modificato 89 mesi fa da rmpltd
Hi Sewing Enthusiast.
I love this site and have done a few designs from the pattern section.
You could call me a closet fashion designer.  I get my inspiration from fabric ends and used clothing that i rip apart and make something new. 
right now I am struggling with my tension and cleaning my machines.  Getting ready for the sailing season.
I do a fair amount of custom upholstery and canvas boat tops for the local yacht clubs.

pubblicato 89 mesi fa (Tuesday, March 21) da Mandy
How lovely to meet you. I really look forward to the day you start recording your projects here. Your work using ends of rolls and also reworking old clothing sounds fascinating.
Good luck with getting the tension sorted out on your machines. They are fussy sometimes. I know my machines can be!