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This is Memory Craft 300E. I also have this. he machine stitches really well and I just love that I can have something stitching in it while still be sewing seams on my regular machine at the same time.
It comes with two hoops and I added a gigahoop and a tiny 50x50mm hoop. The gigahoop gave me more scope in designs and the mini hoop gives me better holding on the tiny designs I often stitch. 
It acquires a bunch of 8mb, 16mb, or 32mb cards and don't put over 100 designs (50-60 is MUCH better) on a card because it takes a LONG time to load into the machine (a few MINUTES everytime you turn the machine on). The 350e can make folders with designs, so they are easier to find and more designs load MUCH faster. You can store many designs (but really not over 100 per folder) and they load much faster, a few SECONDS every time the machine is turned on. 
Of course, this only matters when you are downloading designs to be used on the machine. Keep in mind it is very easy to reach 100 designs per card. Say you want ONE alphabet, in ONE size of Upper case (26letters) +lower case (26) +numbers (10) + maybe some punctuation(10), that is already 72 designs. Multiply this by a few sizes for each alphabet (1", 2", 3", etc) and you've easily reached hundreds of designs. geometry dash lite

I get around this by just adding the needed letters for the design from my computer onto the card and not storing all the designs on the card.

The first time we tried loading an entire alphabet onto my friends 300e machine, I believe it had 200 or so files (a few sizes of a full alphabet) and it took over 30 minutes to load because the machine goes through and makes icons of all the files the first time. We thought we broke her machine! We quickly learned to leave the designs on the computer and just copy the immediately needed designs and then the machine worked much faster!!! Besides, if you put too many designs on the card, you have to page through the designs just to get to the one you want. Easy to work around though. :)

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