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Saving Measurements 5 投稿, 4 作家, 44 読者, 開始しました 40ヶ月前

投稿された40ヶ月前(Wednesday, March 31) Cathie
I'm having trouble understanding how I can save my measurements.  Obviously I can, since there is an option to use them.

投稿された40ヶ月前(Monday, April 12) Sewist
Hello, you can use this form: https://www.sewist.com/editor/sizes/new
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投稿された35ヶ月前(Wednesday, September 8) gaylewray
These are just a few of the measurements, I want to save them all but I don't see the option to do that?
この投稿には返信があります: ( #4 )

この投稿はへの返信です #3
投稿された35ヶ月前(Monday, September 13) Sewist
You first need to save the main ones, and the system will calculate the other ones. You can then edit the secondary measurements, but if you edit the main ones, the size file will be recalculated again. :)

この投稿はへの返信です #2
投稿された4ヶ月前(Friday, March 29) yukikokubo
Hello. Is there a way to add this link to the main page? I always have trouble finding the link to add new sizes

投稿3ヶ月前(Monday, April 22)、編集3ヶ月前 fararejanna_gmail