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Adding a pattern to my projects 4 posts, 2 writers, 10 readers, started 99 months ago

posted 99 months ago (Wednesday, June 1) by Yaffle
I want to create a list of projects, and when I  try to add a pattern (Lekala 4517, in this case) I click on the 'add project' icon but it leads to an error page.  Is there any other way to add a pattern listed on Sewist to my projects page? I don't see a drag option or a way to search and add patterns from the 'add project' page.
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posted 99 months ago (Wednesday, June 1) by Sewist
Oy! Seems to be a bug since latest release, we are looking into it right now! I'll post in this thread once it's fixed.
Meanwhile, you can use this link and start typing it the pattern name, like "4517" - it will then connect the new project to the pattern.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

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posted 99 months ago (Thursday, June 2) by Sewist
Fixed :) The icon with scissors is working fine now.

posted 99 months ago (Thursday, June 2) by Yaffle
Thank you! I'm excited to have access to this feature, and I hope it will help keep me on track.