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Unable to Input Sizes 13 posts, 5 escritores, 27 lectores, inició hace 76 meses

publicado hace 76 meses (Tuesday, May 1) por mollucty
The Sewist Cad software has size variables sz1-sz118.  However, I am only able to input height, bust, and hip measurements.  Is there a way to input the rest?

publicado hace 76 meses (Wednesday, May 2) por Sewist
Hello mollucty, at the moment we have limited this option, because the size measurements are interdependent. You may change one thing and forget about another one, which will result in a bad fit.

However we shall in fact add this option as a PRO one :)

publicado hace 76 meses (Tuesday, May 8) por Sewist
We have just talked with the IT about this feature and we shall be adding it in one our next releases. We agreed that the original size measurements will be kept as a guide, so that you can compare your results with what the calculated size measurements implied. :)

I believe we shall start with a portion of 20-40 size measurements that are easier to measure at home, but if you are interested in a particular set of size measurements, please do let us know the list!
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publicado hace 42 meses (Saturday, January 30) por lacath
 It is true that it is very convenient to compare its own measures with all those proposed software, from only a few steps, and often there are only a few differences, but I have a problem with the width shoulder.
It seems to me that the shoulder width and the neck circumference are very important in the fall of the top garment, and it is a rather difficult area to fit and it is annoying not being able to adjust these measurements.
Why not like at Lekala, 3 choices of adjustments: narrow, normal, wide?

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publicado hace 42 meses (Sunday, January 31) por Sewist

You can actually change the size measurements manually - just go to My sizes,

click the pencil icon next to the required size and change what you like. 
Hope this helps!

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publicado hace 42 meses (Sunday, January 31) por lacath
Hello, thank you for your reply.
But this is precisely the problem, when I try to modify my shoulder length: sz 31, calculated by default at 14.07cm from the base measurements, to transform it into sz 31 = 13cm, the software seems to recalculate , but the result is never modified. Maybe the value is too low, is there a size limit? I imagine so.

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publicado hace 42 meses (Sunday, January 31) por lacath
I was able to modify in one of my files size multiple measurements as I wanted, but I have the same problem with other size files.
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publicado hace 42 meses (Monday, February 1) por Sewist
i have passed this to the IT, they will look into it ASAP!
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Este post es la respuesta a #8
publicado hace 42 meses (Monday, February 1) por lacath
merci !

publicado hace 11 meses (Friday, September 8) por udelorotha
There are a handful of measurements that are defined in the system but are not usable in the CAD program (ex. sz58). They are also not editable in the PRO size editing. Do you know if this is an error or just not yet programmed in?
Este post tiene respuestas: ( #13 )

publicado hace 6 meses (Wednesday, January 24), editado hace 6 meses por adamusa
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publicado hace 3 meses (Wednesday, May 1) por Babsi
Unfortunately the problem persists, as it does for me, it amounts to 9cm across my shoulder width, so 4.5cm on each side. It's a shame that after so long the problem STILL exists and has been fixed. I have 37!!!! Bought patterns and ALL of them are too wide at the shoulder, even though I checked the measurements several times. It appears to be an IT error that hasn't been fixed. This means I cannot use ANY of the patterns I have purchased. I have already written to the company and asked for their goodwill to correct my patterns accordingly. A lot of work and a lot of money spent and I can throw away 2 items of clothing.

Este post es la respuesta a #10
publicado hace 3 meses (Wednesday, May 1) por Babsi
It is so sad, that you didn't get an answer. If I would not hear about a solution of this problem I will recommend this company to all my channels. I am really really sad about this.

publicado hace 3 meses (Wednesday, May 1) por Sewist
Hello everyone,
The measurement sz31 is indeed editable, I have just tested on one of my sizes and it got recorded correctly. This bug was fixed within weeks from that post.
Babsi - I have sent you an email with the screenshot of the regular size for the leading measurements and for one of the PRO ones from your order, the problem is not the shoulder width, rather the size as a whole. I'll be happy to reprocess the patterns for a size without those edits, or you can adjust the size further, get a test pattern as recommended in the manual, and then have the patterns reprocessed for the size you prefer.