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Creating a group - URL question 2 post, 2 scrittori, 10 lettori, iIniziato 106 mesi fa

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Tuesday, November 3) da Sewist
I got a question last night about the field URL in group.

When you create a group, the form asks you to mention URL. This is actually not the full URL, but rather a 'slug' that is required for creating a link. E.g. if you want your group direct to, you need to enter transewist in the URL field.

It should be English letters only, and you can include a dash ( - ) and underline ( _ ). E.g. trans_sewist and trans-sewist are also fine.

I am still looking for a good term for this field, as it will be also present in stores. Any ideas? :)

pubblicato 106 mesi fa (Wednesday, November 4) da Marie1955
So it is a group descriptor?